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Manufacturing operator - Apt, France

Responsible to:  Team Leader

Purpose of Job (Summary)

In a specific clean room environment, carry out the manufacture and assembly of implantable medical devices from raw materials, components and sub-components to packaging to deliver a product ready to be sterilized, strictly respecting the rules and quality procedures. Participate in all stages of production, complying with qualitative and quantitative indications, depending on the workstation, to achieve production objectives. Ensure or good condition, or operation and proper use of materials and equipment as well as environmental conditions in the room to produce medical devices. Respect and apply the hygiene, clothing and safety instructions in force.

Key Responsibilities

  • Execute production operations by applying procedures 
  • Weigh, mix, dip. unmold, manufacture, check and assemble ... respecting the progress of production processes 
  • Execute the tests and check the conformity of the product 
  • Perform filling and packaging operations: 
  • Supply the line with packaging items and products 
  • Carry out the start-up and check the operation of the equipment 
  • Carry out format changes and simple adjustments Receive the raw materials and equipment required 
  • Transfer finished products and store semi-finished ones 
  • Remove packaging and waste • Check the conformity of processes and products {labelling, cleanliness, documentation. compliance with standards...), the progress of the activity and report any malfunction


  • His job is accessible from a CAP/BEP in the process industries and his diploma or professional experience but following internal training for the various positions and on the procedures to be followed. 
  • Know how to read, write and count in French. 
  • Know and understand to strictly apply the specific rules in force or work in a clean room | clothing, movement, ...), safety and or wearing of Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Know and understand manufacturing and quality standards, processes and procedures and know how to apply them rigorously. 
  • Know how to record on the appropriate documents and media (including a computerized system) the data relating to production monitoring and product traceability. 
  • Know how to control the conformity of processes, products and the smooth running of the manufacturing activity. 
  • Knowing how to be reactive in the face of an anomaly related to good manufacturing practices. 
  • Know how to demonstrate rigor and maintain sustained attention. 
  • Know how to organize and work in a tea


Send CV to: [email protected]

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*This online IFU does not replace the official IFU included inside the box of the actual product.
Diese Informationen sind ausschließlich für medizinisches Fachpersonal bestimmt. Das medizinische Fachpersonal muss sich stets auf sein/ihr professionelles klinisches Urteil verlassen, wenn er/sie beschließt, ein bestimmtes Produkt bei bestimmten Patientinnen zu verwenden. GC Aesthetics® bietet keine medizinische Beratung an und empfiehlt, dass das medizinische Fachpersonal in die Anwendung eines bestimmten Produkts eingeschult wird, bevor es bei einem Verfahren oder einer Operation eingesetzt wird. Das medizinische Fachpersonal muss vor der Anwendung eines Produkts von GC Aesthetics® stets die Packungsbeilage, die Produktkennzeichnung und/oder Gebrauchsanweisung beachten. Die dargestellten Informationen dienen der Vorstellung bestimmter Produkte sowie des gesamten GC Aesthetics® Produktkatalogs. Gewisse Produkte sind möglicherweise nicht in allen Märkten erhältlich. Alle Inhalte und Informationen, die auf dieser Website enthalten oder zugänglich sind, dienen nur der allgemeinen Information. GC Aesthetics® übernimmt weder Gewähr noch Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der darin enthaltenen Angaben. Sie können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden.