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Supply Demand Planner - Aix-en-Provence, France


Division:   GC Aesthetics  


Location:        Aix-en-Provence


Job Title:   Supply Demand Planner


Department:   Supply Chain


Responsible to: Head of Supply Chain

Purpose of Job (Summary)

Reporting to the Group Supply Chain Department, your main mission is to ensure the medium-term production planning of finished products manufactured at the Apt factory, to coordinate their availability in the group's central stock and to ensure fluid communication on availability while ensuring the optimisation of stock levels.

Key Responsibilities

  • Plan and manage in ERP the orders to replenish the central stock and MOD (Make On Demand) customer orders according to priorities and production constraints.
  • Define and adapt stock levels, central stock targets based on historical data and sales forecasts
  • Ensure the proper management of the central stock (identification of slow movers, overstock, obsolescence) and propose corrective actions.
  • Communicate the availability of finished products to the Customer Service teams and make proposals to resolve any arbitrations.
  • Acquire and improve autonomy and expertise on the Group's ERP (Microsoft AX) in order to participate in its development
  • Ensure the monitoring and updating of performance indicators related to the activity


  • Being able to provide more precised and accurate data & indeed improve customer satisfaction.
  • Continue to improve fluidity between orders & production and provide appropriate planning with close relations to sales & manufacturing.
  • Improve stock rotation and win potential savings.


  • 4/5 year degree from a business school / engineer with a specialisation in supply chain. 
  • 2/3 years of professional experience in the field
  • Curiosity and adaptability to understand the company, and its constraints and be able to make proposals
  • Strong organisational, analytical and communication skills
  • Mastery of common office tools (Pack Office) and at least one ERP.
  • Fluent English (international company)


To apply send CV and Cover Letter to: [email protected]

Kontakt us

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*This online IFU does not replace the official IFU included inside the box of the actual product.
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